Pioneering data-driven social sciences: national and local initatives over the past 20 years*
Tuesday, April 4th 2023
*The conference will be held exclusively in French
10:00 Welcome
10:30 Opening speeches
under the chairmanship of Mathilde Guergoat-Larivière, scientific coordinator of the Lille University Data Platform (LUDP)
- Lionel Montagne, Vice President for Research, Lille University (2018-2021)
- Sandrine Chassagnard-Pinet, Vice President for Research in SSH, Lille University
- Clarisse Dhaenens, Head of Platforms, Lille University
- Mathieu Le Bescond de Coatpont, Assistant Director, MESHS
- Sébastien Oliveau, Director, IR* PROGEDO
10:45 Philippe Casella (member of the RnMSH Scientific Council): The idea of a UPD in the context of the time
11:10 Jean-Marie Duprez (Lille University; co-founder of the LUDP) and Emmanuel Lazega (Sciences Po Paris; co-founder of the LUDP) : The creation of the Lille University Data Platform
11:35 Mathilde Guergoat-Larivière (Lille University; scientific coordinator of the LUDP): Continuity in the actions of the LUDP
12:00 Pascal Buléon (CNRS, director of the MRSH, Caen University): From a UDP in Lille to a network of UDPs: the role of UDPs in the French SHS landscape
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Alicia Leon y Barella (Service commun de documentation, Lille University): Lille Open Research Data : involvement of the LUDP in a data workshop (Atelier de la donnée)
14:30 Didier Breton (Strasbourg University, director of the MISHA): UDPs in a national dynamic: the LifeObs project of the INED (National Institute for Demographic Studies)
15:00 Ada Chmilevschi (LUDP engineer, University of Lille; member of the Mate-SHS network steering committee) and Benoit Tudoux (CNRS engineer, member of the Mate-SHS network steering committee): The role of UDP engineers in research support
16:00 Round table discussion hosted by Sébastien Oliveau, director of PROGEDO *Research infrastructure :
Do researchers need to be supported ?
Françoise Thibault (General representative of Alliance Athena)
Fabrice Boudjaaba (CNRS, deputy director of InSHS)
Isabelle Blanc (Data administrator of the MESR- Ministry of Higher Education and Research)
Héloïse Petit (CNAM, member of the Progedo Scientific Council)
17:00 Closing speech - Sébastien Oliveau